Kummer Day

Annual celebration of June and Fred Kummer’s transformational gift to Missouri S&T.

Conference room with round tables set for lunch and a projector image in the background.
2023 Kummer Day Luncheon.
Joel Brewer (left) and Valerie Brewer (right), grandchildren of June and Fred Kummer, visit with Missouri S&T Chancellor Mo Dehghani at the Kummer Day luncheon.
Dr. Stephen Roberts, vice chancellor of strategic initiatives and chief operating officer of the Kummer Institute, welcomed attendees to the annual Kummer Day Celebration.
Man standing at a podium speaking to people siting at round tables for lunch.
Joel Brewer, grandson of June and Fred Kummer, shared fond memories of how Fred impacted his life and helped put creative efficiency into action.
A student stands at a podium speaking.
S&T undergraduate student and Kummer Vanguard Scholar Joseph Nguyen shares how June and Fred's gift has impacted his life.
A student stands at a podium speaking during Kummer Day luncheon.
Angela Rayle, a Kummer I&E Doctoral Fellow studying physics, shared how the Kummer gift helped her pursue her Ph.D. at S&T.
Students speaks in front of a group of people.
Ahmad Heidari, a Kummer I&E Doctoral Fellow studying electrical engineering, presents his research titled, "Market-based hydropower plant operation as a bi-level MIP optimization using column and constraint generation algorithm."
Students speaks in front of a group of people.
Rachel Dzieran, a Kummer I&E Doctoral Fellow studying systems engineering, presents her research titled, "Domain Independent Approach Visualizing Human AI Integration to Achieve Desirable Human AI Teaming: Case for Kidney Allocation with OPO Coordinator and Transplant Surgeon."

We thank our students, staff, faculty and the community for joining us as we celebrated the lives and legacy of June and Fred Kummer, and the impact of their transformational $300 million gift made to Missouri S&T in 2020.

Kummer Institute Annual Report

The 2022-23 annual report highlights the progress of the Kummer Institute during its second year of operation.

Read the report

Chancellor's Kummer Day Report

As an annual tradition, Missouri S&T Chancellor Mo Dehghani reads a progress report in the form of a letter during the Kummer Day celebration.

Read the report

Past Celebrations